Podcast Interviews 

ON SEXUAL DESIRE in a long-term relationship

ON sex & motherhood

ON WOMEN’s sexual desire

On Dating

On Sexual Desire in a Long-term Relationship


NEW: Why Being Highly Sensitive Could Be Your Hidden Superpower in Bed

I speak to the Leah Piper and Dr. Willow Brown of the Sex Reimagined Podcast about the gifts of being highly sensitive and how to bring out the best of your sensitivity in the bedroom, the rest of your relationship and beyond.

Watch it on YouTube or listen to podcast


NEW: From Stressful to Playful: Better Ways to Talk about Sex!

Valdo Lallemand of The Vibrant Couple interviews me about the importance of talking about sex for long-term couples, how to be more embodied during sex, and means of deeper connection with your partner.

Watch the full video on YouTube here


NEW: A Major Block to Sexual Desire and Sexual Intimacy in Long-Term Relationship on the Empowered Relationship Podcast

In my second appearance on the Empowered Relationship Podcast with Dr Jessica Higgins, we delve into the intricacies of how highly sensitive people interact with intimacy and sexuality, importance of context and emotional connection, and practical solutions for managing overstimulation and reviving sexual desire and intimacy in long-term relationships.

Listen to the full podcast here

NEW: Sex, Love and Sexual Desire for Highly Sensitive People on the Love Lab Podcast

In my second appearance on the Love Lab Podcast, I talk with Kevin about the four primary patterns you see with Highly Sensitive People (HSPs), what they need to be able to desire and enjoy sex, what they need in relationship and much more. If you are an HSP or interact with one, this episode is packed with insights and practical advice.

Listen to entire podcast episode here

NEW: Navigating Libido Differences with a Highly Sensitive Partner with the Sexology Podcast

Dr Moali of the Sexology Podcast and I discuss the various forms of sensitivity, including sensory, energetic, and emotional, and how these impact a person's daily life and intimate relationships. Learn about the different ways to navigate couple dynamics and sexual desire issues where one partner is highly sensitive by meeting their “pre-sex needs.”

Listen to podcast episode here

NEW: Navigating a sexless relationship on the That's Orgasmic with Sexologist Emily Podcast

Emily interviews Irene about her experience with a sexless relationship and what it takes for couples to reestablish connection. They specifically focus on what it means to be a Highly Sensitive People (HSP) in the bedroom, how to cultivate desire, and the specific pre-sex needs that highly sensitive women have that need to be met for them to open up sexually in the bedroom.

Listen to podcast here

NEW: Navigating Intimacy for Highly Sensitive People on the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast with Rachel Maine

Listen in to my second interview on this podcast as I talk about what sex looks like for highly sensitive people (HSPs) and how meeting HSP’s unique pre-sex needs can help partners cultivate deeper passion in the bedroom.

Listen to the episode here or watch it on YouTube

Why Desire Disappears in Committed Relationships on the Meaningful Life Podcast

Why do women stop wanting sex? Why is it so hard to recapture the intoxicating desire of those wonderful early weeks and months of your relationship? In this episode Andrew interviews me on the nature of desire. Unless we understand what compels and creates desire at different life stages, we will not be able to create a passionate, connected sexual life that meets both partner’s needs.

Listen to entire podcast here

Sex and Intimacy for Better Mental Health

Whether you are dealing with unsatisfying sex or a lack of intimacy, or want to learn how to improve your satisfaction and intimacy, there is something for you in this episode!

Listen to podcast here

Sex & Sexual Desire in Long-term Relationships with Therapist Rhoda Mills Sommer

I speak on the juicy topic of Sex & Sexual Desire in Long-term Relationships with therapist Rhoda Mills Sommer on her therapy podcast. We cover why sexual passion naturally wanes over time and sometimes even dies — and what happy and sexually fulfilled couples know how to do when it does.

Listen to podcast here

Why S.E.X. Dies Out on the Bringing Intimacy Back Dr April Show with Dr April and Coach Kay

Join us for an engaging and open conversation about sex in long-term relationships on the show that’s guaranteed to inspire, enlighten, and encourage intimate connections.

Listen to podcast here

Sex & Connection on IN TRANSIT with Sundae Bean Podcast

Warm and funny, vulnerable and bold, Sundae Bean’s two-part interview set the stage for a candid conversation about the wonders of connected and pleasurable sex in a long-term relationship as well as the real challenges that all couples face.

Listen to Part 1 here
Listen to Part 2 here

On sex in a long-term relationship with the Sexy Marriage Nation podcast

Dr Corey Allen on the Sexy Marriage Nation podcast interviews me on the three types of sex that couples experience in a long-term monogamous relationship and why only one type can withstand the test of time. You’ll learn: why couples shy away from speaking up about sex in the beginning and why it ruins sex in the long-run and what do couples actually fight about when they’re fighting about sex.

Listen to podcast here: https://smrnation.com/podcast/three-types-of-sex/

Creating Lasting Passion in Long-term Relationship on the Generous Marriage Podcast

Powerful interview where we discuss whether sex naturally dies in long-term relationships? (Surprising answer: Yes, and it should!) and I answer the most important question: how to create the type of sex and passion that stands the test of time.

Listen to podcast: https://generousmarriage.com/season-2-episode-8-creating-lasting-passion-with-irene-fehr/

Living through the Pain of a Sexless Marriage

I talk to Kevin & Céline of the Love Lab Podcast about the pain — and the recovery — from a sexless marriage and what couples can do to avoid the predicament of many marriages.

Listen to podcast here: https://www.celineremy.com/dealing-with-the-pain-of-a-sexless-relationship/

What it takes to turn a sexless marriage around with Jessica Higgins of the Empowered Relationship Podcast

What does it take to save and transform a sexless marriage to a deeply connected and sexually fulfilling one? Jessica Higgins of the Empowered Relationship Podcast interviewed me about my own story of a sexless marriage and my experience guiding couples to find their way to each other sexually again.

Listen to podcast here: https://drjessicahiggins.com/erp-268-how-to-save-transform-a-sexless-marriage-an-interview-with-irene-fehr/

Why do monogamous couples stop having sex — a conversation with Iryna Aronov

In this in-depth interview, I talk about the reasons why couples stop having sex in a monogamous relationship and how couples can get back on track to passion and intimacy — and increase it over time.

Watch interview on YouTube: https://youtu.be/avoJu94Nkqs?t=30

How to Avoid a Sexless Marriage on the Owning Your Sexual Self Podcast

I speak to Rachel Maine of the Owning Your Sexual Self podcast about the main causes of sexless marriages, reasons for losing interest in sex, the one thing that is guaranteed to kill passion in sex in a long-term relationship, and 4 tips to connect to each other emotionally and add spark to sex.

Listen to podcast here: https://www.buzzsprout.com/764204/8125222-57-how-to-avoid-a-sexless-marriage-with-irene-fehr

Being Responsible Show: Making Sex Passionate Again

For some people, being in a long-term relationship can be a bit of a struggle. Most couples would eventually lose that deep connection and intimacy of the honeymoon phase because they get preoccupied with so many concerns. But if this resonates with you, then my conversation with Unleash Love Podcast host Clement will give you ideas on how to make your relationship passionate and steamy all over again.

Catch the podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/5Ovl5R5Lx6jrRGjNiMrZfp

Teaching Couples to Have Great Sex — a long-format interview with Gabe Ratliff of the Ärtful podcast

I share my personal story around my sexless marriage that inevitably led me to serve others looking for fulfillment, connection and long-term sex in their relationships. I offer an analogy of how to think about the way that women get aroused versus the way that men do, as well as how we each look at situations in life. And I provide tips on how couples can begin the conversation around their relationship and their sex life + a FREE worksheet on how to talk to your partner.

Listen to the podcast here: https://theartful.co/podcast/020

On Women's Sexual Desire


NEW: Women’s Sexual Desire in a Long-term Relationship on the Whinypaluza Podcast

I recently spoke on the Whinypaluza with Rebecca Greene Podcast about this often-secret subject that disproportionally affects women (especially mothers) and that troubles couples for whom sex in a long-term relationship represents an expression of their deep love for each other.

I debunk the 4 dangerous myths about women's libido that women fall prey to that contribute to this sad — and very solvable — predicament and more.

Here are just a few of the topics we covered:
* What you can do to fill your “pleasure cup” so intimacy and sexuality comes more easily to you
* Learning how to better communicate with your partner about your individual needs that will feed your desire for intimacy.

Listen to podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-whinypaluza-podcast/id1534167756

NEW: Connecting to your Body and Owning Your Sexuality on the Better Bodies Podcast

In this insightful interview with Bria Wannamaker of the Better Bodies Podcast, we discuss the importance of reconnecting with yourself so that you can connect to those around you. We also chatted all things:

  • Resistance to pleasure vs. allowing vulnerability

  • Steps to fostering sensuality in your life

  • How to create space for intimacy with your partner

  • Trauma and the nervous system

  • Burnout, exhaustion, numbness, and disconnect

Listen to podcast here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6n16h7kiJQ0ep0AYw9a2h6?si=0_U7ZMYORZapx37F8owaQA

How to Want Sex Again on the MindLove Podcast with Melissa Monte

It’s almost predictable that women will lose their libido in a long-term relationship. Why is that? And more importantly, how can this be prevented? I cover all this in my powerful interview on the MindLove Podcast.

Listen to podcast here: https://www.mindlove.com/podcast/225-how-to-want-sex-again-with-irene-fehr/

Finding your authentic libido in a long-term relationship with Devi Ward of Sex Is Medicine Podcast

I share with Devi the four dangerous myths that women subscribe to that actually kill women’s libido, why women’s libidos are actually starving, and what we need to feed our libido for a healthy sex life in a long-term relationship.

Listen to podcast here: https://authentictantra.com/finding-your-authentic-libido-in-a-long-term-relationship/

NEW: Your Empowered Sex Life on The Empowered Expat Woman Podcast

The marriage death spiral ... women's libido ... and what it takes to have better sex over time in a long-term relationship — topics we talk about in my frank and open interview with Camilla Quintana of the Empowered Expat Woman podcast.

  • the difference between men’s and women’s sex drives

  • what to do if you want to make sex more spontaneous and exciting

  • the ‘marriage death spiral’

  • the 5 key nutrients that will increase your sexual desire

Listen to the podcast here: http://camillaquintana.com/podcast/episode59/

Bringing Sexy Back: Overcoming a Boring and Routine Sex Life with Tessa Tovar

If you’ve been together with a partner for a few years and definitely a few decades, you have probably witnessed the honeymoon period of your relationship — and its end. In this podcast interview, I explore how different sexual desires in a relationship create a battleground for attachment, myths around the female libido and how these myths create a stressful rather than enjoyable sex life, and how to create a sex life that survives the many waves of life.

Check out the podcast interview here: https://tessatovar.com/myblog/f/bringing-sexy-back-overcoming-a-boring-and-routine-sex-life

On Stress and Women’s Libido on the Calmer You Podcast

The negative impact of stress on women’s libido is undeniable, yet we like to tell ourselves stories that we’re fine and it’s not a big deal. Listen to this podcast as I describe how societal expectations makes women feel broken sexually — and what kills women’s libido. And of course find out what you need to find your spark again.

Check out the podcast here: https://calmer-you.com/ep-171-stress-and-libido-with-irene-fehr/

Hungry for Happiness Podcast: You’re not Sexually Broken — Find out How to Activate Your Sexless (or Almost Sexless) Relationship

Blaming yourself for a sexless relationship? Chances are you must be thinking that you are sexually broken. Well, what if I tell you that you’re NOT? Check out my podcast interview with host Sam Skelly to glean wonderful insights about men’s and women’s sexual tendencies. You’ll be able to understand your and your partner’s responses when it comes to pleasure and arousal. This episode might just be all you need to open the floodgates of intimacy once again.

Check out the podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-202-youre-not-sexually-broken-find-out-how-to-activate/id1258744551?i=1000525711913

Dear Men Podcast: She Went From Not Wanting Sex at All to Deep, Fulfilling Sex

If you find yourself trapped in a sexless relationship, you can always do something about it. And it starts by understanding the root cause of why sex dies in your relationship. An incredible podcast interview by Melanie Curtin is a must-listen. I share my experience with having painful sex in my previous marriage and what I did to understand and change the situation.

Check out the podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/160-she-went-from-not-wanting-sex-at-all-to-deep-fulfilling/id1347811999?i=1000528357775

Grace and Grit Podcast: Rekindling Sex and Intimacy In Your Marriage

Catch another amazing podcast interview as I chat with by Courtney Townley about why a woman who loses interest in sex isn’t actually “sexually broken” and how through conscious effort, she can reconnect with her own body, libido, and sexual pleasure.  

Listen to the podcast here: https://graceandgrit.com/podcast-250/

Talk Tantra To Me: Why Sex Dies In A Long-term Relationship & How To Keep Libido Alive

I have yet another exciting chat with Leola, the host of Talk Tantra to Me, where we talk all things sex and intimacy in a long-term relationship. You’ll learn how to regain the solid connection between you and your partner and finally how to bring back the burning flame in bed after years of togetherness.

Check out the episode here: https://www.talktantratome.com/podcast/episode/4ba2475f/why-sex-dies-in-longterm-relationships-andhow-to-keep-libido-alive-with-irene-fehr-episode-36

All about Women's Libido with Irene Fehr

I talk to Eva of the EvaTheRelationshipMaker Podcast about differences in men’s and women’s libido and what couples can do to overcome the common challenges when starting a relationship.

Listen to podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/all-about-womens-libido-with-irene-fehr/id1457458584?i=1000522193013

My Path from Sexless Marriage to Sexpert on the Carve Your F*king Path Podcast

There’s a reason why I specialize in female libido. Listen my journey of working through painful sex, loss of desire, and a sexless marriage and how I became an expert in the field in my interview with Willow McDonough of the Carve Your F*king Path Podcast.

Listen to podcast here: https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/carve-your-own/my-path-from-a-sexless-cLxhI-3r0Qv/

Getting Your Sexual Mojo Back on the SheVentures Podcast

I speak with Doria Lavagnino of the SheVentures Podcast about my journey of self-discovery, what couples most struggle with, ways that women can get more in touch with their erotic side and become comfortable with it, and female-focused resources to help women with their sexual intimacy.

Listen to podcast: https://sheventures.centsai.com/podcast/episode-26-irene-fehr/

Are You Missing the Right Kind of Pleasure? on the OwningHERHealth Radio

I speak with Dr Lisa on the Owning HERHealth Radio about women's pleasure, guilt, and sexual wellness. We cover how it’s important to move the conversations about sexual health beyond talking about STDs and avoidance of pregnancy and into realms of pleasure, intimacy and connection.

Listen to the podcast here: https://owningherhealth.libsyn.com/podcast/are-you-missing-the-right-kind-of-pleasure

Sex and Motherhood


How sex changes for parents on The Parent Hood Podcast

Irene talks to Marina Fogle of the Parent Hood Podcast about how and why sex changes after you become a parent and what we can do to ensure it stays mutually enjoyable.

Listen to podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/how-sex-changes-for-parents/id1296197387?i=1000546375439

On Dating


Last First Date Radio: Rebuilding Libido For a Healthy Sex Life

How important is the female libido in a relationship? Listen to a podcast episode by Sandy Weiner where I talk about libido, how to give it proper nourishment, and the very important role it plays in keeping intimacy alive in your relationship. This is a dating podcast and you’ll learn what you can do to create sexual compatibility and satisfaction from the very first date.

Catch the episode here: https://anchor.fm/sandy-weiner9/episodes/EP-465-Irene-Fehr---Rebuilding-Libido-for-a-Healthy-Sex-Life-13aj85 and https://youtu.be/2P-YnvZBQ3w

Why You Need to Communicate Your Sexual Needs Up Front with Marni Battista of the Dating Den Podcast

I speak to Marni about how the dating game is about numbers — just not the ones you think. And we talk about why it is important to communicate your sexual needs early to prevent heartbreak later.

Check out this eye-opening podcast here: https://datingwithdignity.com/podcast/why-you-need-to-communicate-your-sexual-needs-up-front/

What to Know About Sex When You’re Dating on the Vaginas, Vulvas, and Vibrators Podcast

Even if you’re in the early stages of dating and getting to know each other, It’s never too early to begin to create a foundation for a sexually fulfilling relationship. Learn what it takes here. I talk with Jordan D'Nelle of the Vaginas, Vulvas, and Vibrators about what it takes to create a sexually fulfilling relationship for the rest of your lives.

Listen to the podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/creating-a-sexually-fulfilling-relationship/id1516181113?i=1000523674137 

Questions to Ask Each Other About Sex (and Everything Else) When You Start Dating

If you're in the process of dating or starting a new relationship, you probably have a lot of questions about sex. When do I have it for the first time? How can I tell if we're compatible in bed and in relationship?

Janet Tingwald of Reality-Based Romance and I sat down to two powerful conversations about the reality of sex and dating and how to start off your relationship right.

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